• What does it mean to live an Evulved Lifestyle?

    * You have consciously committed to the process of being an ever-evolving (evulving) woman.

    * You are no longer willing to live a life that degrades women who have vulvas.

    * You are reclaiming your Wild through reclaiming your body, eroticism and pleasure in a way that serves you. 


    This evolution is a journey of returning to pleasure, to your truth - not a "perfectionist" version of what culture or society has defined for us or conditioned us to believe.

    Living The Evulved Lifestyle is a commitment to Connect-In, again and again.  


    If you choose pleasure every day…

    You literally, physically, rewire your nervous system to feel pleasure as your baseline resting state... which leads to living a life filled with way more pleasure. 


    The Evulved Pledge: I will pursue a life filled with pleasure. I know I am worthy and deserving of receiving my desires. I stand for Sisterhood and Freedom.

    My pussy is magical. My turn on is the largest source of my unlimited power. All of my emotions are healthy and accepted. 

    I will explore my pleasure with curiosity, self-compassion and a playful wonder. 

Words for Queens...